Employment Oriented Skills Development Networks (EoSDN)
UGAPRIVI won a tender to implement a project in Acholi and Lango sub regions of Northern Uganda with support from European Union for 36 months beginning September 2012. The project contributes to poverty reduction in the sub regions through adapted skills and entrepreneurship training that enhances income generation potential of the rural young adults.
UGAPRIVI and its partner, AIDTS is implementing this action in form of Local Skills Development- the non-formal educational and training system to be complemented with means of a mass-effective, low cost and efficient skills development, which will provide an opportunity for the new generation of youth, young adults and interested adults to integrate into economic life, which otherwise may cause problems of social stability.
Overall objective: To contribute to poverty reduction through innovative non- formal modes of skills development
Specific Objective: Design and implement a private sector driven non-formal skills development model and accreditation of acquired skills through the Worker’sPAS, in line with industry and the priorities of local government on poverty reduction within the sub-region.
The EoSDN action intends to
- Provide relevant employable skills to youth in the sub regions
- Establish sector-specific Skills Development Networks to improve quality of training
- Validate non formal skills acquired through awarding the Worker’sPAS certification (www.workerspas.org)