Buloba Business Technical and Vocational Institute is a Private Vocational Institution located 13 miles from Mityana Road after Buloba Town along the road on your right form Kampala.It has been a UGAPRIVI member since 2013 with UGAPRIVI Certificate number 865.Some of the courses offered at the Institution are;Building and Construction,Journalism,Fashion & Design,Computer & Secretariat,Hair dressing & Cosmetology,Electronic Technology,Catering,Carpenter & Joiner,Plumbing,AutomotiveMechanic,Art and Design / Painting & Decoration among Others.
Contact Information.
Director: Musisi Yunus – 0758444133
Principal: Agnes Muhindo – 0750117976
Registra: Kyazze Fred – 0758460576
Address: P.O Box 4645 ,Buloba.
Email: bulobatechnical@gmail.com